Is Your Family Business on LinkedIn®? It Should Be!

  • First Bank
  • 06/08/2023
Have you heard the saying, “If you’re not on social media, you should be!” before? Social media platforms are a great way to connect with others. LinkedIn® is a great tool for businesses and is used by millions of professionals and companies. In fact, there were 66.8 million users on LinkedIn® at the end of 2022, a 2.1 million increase from 2021. As trends show LinkedIn usage increasing over the past several years, it’s essential that you’re meeting clients and prospects where they are.

Why should my family business be using LinkedIn®?
1. Having a LinkedIn® company page for your family business is an easy way to help bring brand awareness and visibility to your company. You’ll be able to share company updates, product or service-related news, thought-leadership articles tailored to your industry, job openings, and more. Ask the employees that work at the business to update the company name under the experience section of their profile and select the newly created business LinkedIn® page. This will help bring the family business more visibility as you encourage your employees to engage with this page and share what is being posted under the business page. Additionally, anyone who clicks on the company name when visiting your profile will be taken to the newly created business page.

Need help creating your company page? Get started here.

2. LinkedIn® is designed specifically for professionals and the business community. There are millions of people on LinkedIn® that could turn into potential clients. A single post could resonate with a user, which could turn into a lead, and then turn into a working business relationship. Consider joining different industry-related groups to connect with members in the industry and begin forming quality connections. Do you already know others in the industry that are on LinkedIn®? Use the search function to find them and send them a connection request! Plus, LinkedIn® has a robust jobs section where you can search for and recruit top talent for open positions at your business. This can further bring awareness to your business and increase your visibility. 

3. Bring more visitors to your website by using website content to establish your business as a credible, trusted partner in your industry. Do you already have a blog or resources section on your website? Using content that has already been created and added to your website makes it easy to start pushing content out onto your business page. When you’re creating new content or posts, make sure to include the original link from your website. This will help drive traffic back to your website and generate interest from new visitors. As an added bonus, bringing more visitors to your website from such credible social media links can aid and assist in your overall Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy.

What are some best practices for creating my company page?
When you’re creating your LinkedIn® company page, you’ll want to make sure you are filling in as many sections as you can. The more you have filled out about your company, the more trust and credibility you’ll build with your audience.
1. Consider using your logo as the profile photo so users can easily identify your profile and correlate your logo with your company name. 

2. Make sure to include a call-to-action button to easily lead users back to your website. Your call-to-action button will appear at the top of your profile making it visible and easily accessible to anyone who visits your page. Some common call-to-action buttons include contact us, learn more, visit website, and more.

3. Take time to complete the overview or tagline section of your page. The overview area is a great way to tell visitors a little about the history of your company, how you can help your clients, or what they can expect when they work with you. 

4. Finally, make sure you complete all of the fields related to your contact information and additional company information. This includes adding your website address and phone number, the company’s industry, company size, specialties, and the year your business was founded.

For a full list of best practices for creating a company page, click here.

LinkedIn® is a great tool to help build exposure for your family business, reach new or existing clients, and position your brand as a thought leader in your industry. 

Learn how we can help you expand your network and client base by reaching out to First Bank’s Center for Family-Owned Businesses today.