Estate & Legacy Planning

Leave an enduring legacy
  • Minimize estate taxes.
  • Arrange for charitable giving.
  • Make things easier for your family.

A great gift for your family?
Leaving things in good order.

Our thorough approach to Estate Planning will help secure your lasting legacy.

Estate planning starts with deciding how you want to distribute your assets, but it's much more. It's also a way to keep providing for people you love and causes you embrace. With your legal counsel, the Wealth Management team will help you develop an approach that benefits future generations - and ensures that your life's work lives on.

  • Get assistance with wills, irrevocable and living trusts and directives.
  • Consider estate tax minimization strategies.
  • Ensure proper titling of assets.
  • Maximize your philanthropy.
  • Establish trusts for family members and others.
  • Coordinate your team of advisors to create the optimal estate plan.
Investment Management
Guiding your money moves, every step of the way.