Charitable Planning

Create an enduring philanthropic legacy.
  • Reduce taxes.
  • Devise a plan for sustainable philanthropy.
  • Make your philanthropic vision a reality.

Reduce your taxes while you
increase your impact.

We’ll help you develop a plan to maximize your philanthropic impact.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are. We’ll guide you on creating a plan for active, sustainable philanthropy. The Wealth Management team will help you develop a plan to get the most out of your wealth, wisdom, and work so you will leave a lasting legacy that you and your family can be proud of.

If you are on the board of a charitable organization with an endowment, we can help you create investment spending policies and financial projections which will allow you to be a more effective steward of your organizations assets.

  • Devise a strategy to reduce your taxes which will leave more for causes you care about.
  • Create a philanthropic plan that involves the whole family.
  • Develop criteria for granting to effective not-for-profit organizations.
  • Expertise in sophisticated charitable structures, including donor advised funds, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and private foundations.
Investment Management
Guiding your money moves, every step of the way.