Performance Money Market Account

Take your savings to the next level
  • Earn more savings as your account balance grows.
  • Open an account with $100 initial deposit.
  • Make easy withdrawals when you need funds.

Your reward for extra effort?
Exceptional earnings.

As your account balance grows bigger, your hard-earned money works
even harder for you.

Everyone has financial goals and everyone would like to reach them a little faster. That's where a Money Market from First Bank comes in. At the very minimum, it offers better returns than most traditional savings accounts. But why settle for the minimum? With five savings tiers, you can earn ever-increasing returns on a very safe and sound investment.

  • Open a Performance Money Market account with as little as $100.
  • Avoid the $10.00 monthly maintenance fee by maintaining a $1,000 daily account balance during the statement period.
  • Benefit from tiered interest rates based on account balances.
  • Monitor progress toward your savings goals through eBanking and Mobile Banking.
Open a Performance Money Market Account online today or visit one of our Missouri, Illinois or California branch locations for more information.
Investment Management
Guiding your money moves, every step of the way.