Financial Education Center

Handling Market Volatility

Conventional wisdom says that what goes up must come down. But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when your money is at stake. Though there's no foolproof way to handle the ups and downs of the stock market, the following coping strategies may help.

No Matter How You Cookie Cutter It, The Holidays Are Going to Cost More Dough

If Santa season has snuck up on you and you’re not sure how to fund the holiday fun, you’re not alone. First Bank would like to provide a few helpful tips to help you navigate the expense of the holiday merriment.

Understand Investment Return Taxation to Make Well-Informed Financial Decisions

This article is designed to broadly discuss investment return taxation, while covering a range of topics, including the types of income, basis, capital gains and losses, holding periods, taxable income considerations, and the strategic use of capital losses.

Do You Have a Financial Plan? Here are Six Things to Consider Including in Yours

October is Financial Planning Month! Do you have a financial plan? According to multiple sources, on average, only 27.88% of Americans have a financial plan. Without a financial plan, it can be hard to have a clear understanding of your finances.

Balancing the Costs of Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities sound like the perfect addition to your student’s curriculum. Before they sign up or you sign them up, however, be sure to weigh the pros and the cons of participating in the extracurricular activity or activities.

5 Ways to Boost Your Income Before the Year Is Over

Inflation and higher prices of good and services are still affecting many consumer’s wallets. According to a recent report, nearly 39% of Americans have a side hustle, or a second job that’s used for supplemental income. And, for many of these Americans, their side hustle isn’t for fun money, but instead the profit is used to help them make ends meet. Fortunately, if you’re looking for some ways to bring in extra cash, there are numerous ways to boost your income.