You'll be a better investor if you know more about these financial tools. Rest assured, we'll be doing our homework as well. Our Wealth Management team carefully evaluates each of these solutions, along with current market conditions, before we attempt to recommend the appropriate mix for your investment objectives.
Stocks and Unit Investment Trusts (UITs)
- Investors interested in long-term growth potential should consider devoting part of their portfolio to equities.
- Unit Investment Trusts are a portfolio of professionally selected securities that are held for a specified period of time.
- Equity UITs tend to be a "buy-and-hold" investments. Securities in the UIT portfolio are typically held for a pre-determined time to generate dividends and capital gains for investors.
- As the UIT reaches maturity and returns principal to the investor, the proceeds can be rolled over into a new UIT or invested elsewhere.
Municipal, Corporate, and Government Bonds
- Bonds are tax-exempt debt obligations issued by states, cities, towns, municipalities, municipal authorities, and governmental entities.
- The interest earned on municipal and government bonds is generally free of federal income taxes and also may be free of state or local income taxes, if purchased by residents of the issuing state.
- In contrast to Equity Unit Investment Trusts, Bond Unit Investment Trusts typically make a one-time "public offering" of only a specific, fixed number of units.
Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds
- Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds are investment vehicles that pool funds from investors for the purpose of investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other similar assets.
- First Bank Wealth Management does not offer proprietary funds, so we are able to offer independent advice regarding various mutual fund investment options and fund families.
- We offer access to a variety of low and no-cost investment options.
Investment and insurance products are offered through OSAIC INSTITUTIONS, INC., Member FINRA/SIPC. Osaic Institutions and First Bank are not affiliated. Osaic Institutions does insurance business in California as Osaic Institutions Insurance Agency, CA Agency License #OH30186. Products and investment advisory services made available through Osaic Institutions are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency of the United States and are not deposits or obligations of nor guaranteed or insured by any bank or bank affiliate. These products are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of value. First Bank Wealth Management is a trade name of First Bank, and certain products and services are provided through First Bank, and its affiliates and subsidiaries. Neither Osaic Institutions or First Bank, nor any of their affiliates or financial advisors, provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions. Use FINRA’s BrokerCheck to learn about the professional background, certifications, licenses, and any regulatory violations or complaints for any financial advisor.