Business Savings Account

A smart, safe part of your plan
  • Earn competitive interest.
  • Easily avoid fees.
  • Keep assets liquid.

There will come a time when
you'll need your cash reserves.

Turn to First Bank for a business account you can trust to safeguard your money.

In the world of business, nothing is certain. A few months or years from now, there could be any number of challenges or game-changing opportunities. With a First Bank Business Savings account, your small shop, mid-sized firm, or major company can set money aside to take on tomorrow's long-range projects, big-ticket purchases, or unanticipated expenses.

  • Available to all business types.
  • Earns competitive interest.
  • Minimum average daily collected balance of $500 to avoid a monthly maintenance fee.
  • Track account growth through Business eBanking and Mobile Banking.
  • Access eStatements to monitor account activity.
Business eBanking
Around the clock banking service from the comfort of your device