Do you need a credit card to help you pay off other debts? Save money by transferring your higher interest balances to First Bank’s Low Rate Platinum Mastercard. Simplify your finances by consolidating your balances to help you pay off debt faster. Plus, enjoy the benefits of our special variable APR offer!*
Some benefits include the following:
- Take advantage of lower finance charges using our lowest APR card.*
- Simplify finances by consolidating balances so that you will have less to keep track of.
- Utilize our special variable APR offer to transfer balances from higher interest rate credit cards to a card with a lower, more competitive APR.*
All cards offer you:

Additionally, cardholders have access to:
- Multiple payment options, including automatic debit, online banking, mobile app, in branch, or by phone or mail.
- Mobile app features, including the ability to turn the card on or off, request a balance transfer, make a payment, and more.
Mastercard® is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
*See Terms and Conditions for complete details. Balance Transfers are subject to available credit.