Financial Education Center

What is a 529 Education Savings Plan?

If you’re researching the best ways to save for college, you may be trying to determine what a 529 Education Savings Plan is and how it can be used toward your savings goals.

How Biases Can Impact Investors’ Financial Well-Being and Significantly Alter Accumulated Wealth, Part IV

Over the last three parts, we’ve discussed how biases impact our decision-making, particularly when it comes to our investments.

Manage Your Money, Manage Your Stress

How College Students and Graduates Can Budget and Manage Money with First Bank.

How Biases Can Impact Investors’ Financial Well-Being and Significantly Alter Accumulated Wealth, Part III

Over the last two parts, we’ve discussed how biases impact our decision-making, particularly when it comes to our investments. Continuing to understand our biases can help us better understand why we make our financial, wealth, and investment decisions.

Tax Season: Tips For Filing Your Taxes In 2021

Due to 2020 being a different and unusual year for many, there may be some changes to your taxes this year. Learn more about some things to consider when filing this year.

How to Save Money: Four Things You Can Do To Save On Monthly Bills

Has the pandemic affected your savings? Here are some things you can do to help save money on your groceries, electric, mortgage, and your cable.