Financial Education Center

Is Your Company Poised to be a Buyer or Seller?

Our guest speaker John Hull, Managing Director of The Fortune Group and guest speaker, discussed financial and non-financial factors to consider in an acquisition, such as deal structure aspects, ideal timing of an acquisition, and if your business is poised to be a buyer or seller.

Webinar: The Right Way and Wrong Way to Resolve Conflict

The Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on Tuesday, March 9th covering the right way and the wrong way to resolve conflict in a family business.

Pandemic Emergence: A Business Line of Credit May Be the Shot in the Arm Your Organization Needs

As states and communities navigate an emergence from the aftermath of a year-long battle with the pandemic, businesses of all sizes are grappling with how to adjust, reconfigure, and plan for a post-pandemic economic environment.

Webinar: Important Information for First Draw Borrowers

The First Bank Financial Education Center held a webinar on Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 covering the Paycheck Protection Program for First Draw Borrowers, including program details, eligibility, and how to apply with First Bank.

Webinar: HR Trends for 2021

The First Bank Circuit, a financial empowerment group, designed especially for women business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives, held their second webinar on January 28th.

Webinar: Economic Aid Impact: Important PPP Updates

Tim Fogerty, Managing Director of First Bank Commercial Banking and Kate Mayfield, Director of Credit Underwriting at First Bank provided updates from the COVID-19 Relief Economic Aid Act passed at the end of December, including information on Second Draw PPP Loans. They also provided information on how to apply for a second draw loan with First Bank.