
Retiring? Changing jobs? Do you have a 401k?
  • Get advice from a trained specialist.
  • Understand the differences of your options.
  • Continue to save for your future.

Get advice about your options when you change jobs or retire.

Figuring out what to do is easier than you might think with First Bank Wealth Management!

There are many benefits to rolling over the retirement savings you’ve accumulated into a new plan. But First Bank Wealth Management also wants to make you aware of other various investment alternatives. Each option has advantages and disadvantages which should be discussed thoroughly before making a decision.  Which option works for you?

  • Remain in your current plan.
  • Rollover to an IRA
  • Transfer into a new employer’s plan.
  • Cash out.

With so many choices regarding something as important as your retirement savings, it would be prudent to discuss the various options with a knowledgeable resource. We’re here to help!