Financial Education Center

Webinar: Ready to Buy? Should You Invest As a Family in Other Businesses?

Your family business has capital to invest and talented family members, so how do you take advantage of this for your family’s benefit? Join Joe Ambrose, Executive Director of the First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses, as he moderates our panel discussion of making the most of adding businesses to your family’s portfolio of investments.

Bridging the Generational Communication Barrier

In order for a business to be successful, an organization’s leadership often concentrates on the more common business side of the business, including the balance sheet, quarterly sales, and marketing strategies, as well as building a customer-centric culture.

Client Spotlight: Let’s Focus on the Culture at Hartwig, Inc.

Established in 1960, Hartwig, Inc., is a family-owned, multi-generational manufacturing solutions and support company.

Webinar: Deciding if a Board of Directors is Best for Your Family Business

Michael Dierberg, Chairman of FB Corporation and First Bank, hosts a panel discussion on how to decide what’s best for your business and your family when it comes to the board of directors. Panel members Don Jubel, Tom Bakewell, and Jacob Herschend will share their unique perspectives on this important family business governance issue.

Bridging Generational Differences Within a Family Business

Each generation brings different thoughts and skillsets to the proverbial table and, unfortunately, these don’t always align. Nearly every family has its fair share of issues that has caused rifts and ripples between family members. In some cases, these disputes can go on for months, or even years, over perceived hurts.

Webinar: Demystifying Digital: Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency

What are Cryptocurrencies and are they right for you? Noah Buxton, the Practice Leader for Blockchain and Digital Assets at Armanino LLP, demystifies the world of digital currency. Noah has an extensive background in the rapidly evolving area of new technologies and shares his insights in an easy-to-understand format.