Family Business Resource Center

First Bank Family Business Symposium - Josh Baron Pt. 1

Josh Baron, author of the Harvard Business Review Family Business Handbook, and co-founder of BanyanGlobal, presents family business governance using the Four Room Model.

Webinar: Measure What Matters in Your Family Business

Revenues, profits, a strong balance sheet: measuring success is important to all businesses. But, are there other important measurements in a family-owned business? Find out what the key metrics are for successful, generational family businesses.

What Legacy Will Your Family Business Leave?

For family businesses, legacy can mean the succession of business and family assets from one generation to the next. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines “legacy” as: a gift by will, especially of money or other personal property, and/or something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.

Everyone Should Have a Fortress of Solitude

Whether you are a leader of a company, a parent, or both, here are some suggestions on how to preserve the legacy you are helping to create for the next generation.

Family Businesses Can Learn a Lot from Each Other

Michael Dierberg, Chairman of the Board at FB Corporation (First Bank), offers insight into the importance of engaging and connecting with other like-minded family business owners for support and collaboration.