Family Business Resource Center

Leveraging the Why, What, and How of Storytelling in Family Business

On this episode of From the Hart podcast, Ed Hart (Director of First Bank’s Center for Family-Owned Businesses) speaks to author and speaker Jay Golden about storytelling and Jay's work as the founder of Retellable. Jay coaches and trains founders, innovators, and social entrepreneurs at companies such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Rainforest Action Network.

Webinar: Harness the Strength of the Family — Hitch it to a Culture That Drives Results

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on January 17th about culture with Dr. Allie Taylor and Donna Brighton. Allie and Donna led a conversation to put together the culture conversations from our October and November webinars, and to increase understanding of how to harness the strength of the family system to build an organizational culture that accelerates business results.

The Competitive Advantage of Culture in a Family Business

Authors LeCouvie and Rhodes discuss key competitive differentiators, like family values and beliefs, that many family business enterprises enjoy in contrast to their publicly-held counterparts.

Structures and Strategies: Family Business Succession Planning

Charles Claver, Senior Vice President and Private Wealth Advisor, discusses structures and strategies to implement for passing your business to the next generation successfully.

Women in Family Business and Community Leadership Session 4 and Closing

The fourth and final session in the symposium included a panel discussion with Susan DeGrassi, President and COO at Antis Roofing and Waterproofing, and all of the panelists that participated in the symposium earlier.

Women in Family Business and Community Leadership Session 3

The third session in the symposium includes a conversation with Susan DeGrassi, President and COO at Antis Roofing and Waterproofing and Ellen Dierberg Milne, Co-Owner of Dierberg/Star Lane Wineries and Board of Directors at First Bank, titled Being a Board Member & Owning A Winery.