Family Business Resource Center

2023 Family Business CEOs to Watch

First Bank's Center for Family-Owned Businesses is thrilled to announce two of our close family business friends as 2023 Family Business Magazine CEOs to Watch!

Family Business Survey: Our Why and Key Findings

Family businesses are a major economic driving force in America; unfortunately, sparse data, research, and resources for them are available. In addition to the lack of accurate representation of the family business sector, misinformation is often used.

7 Inventive Family Businesses

Whether for a first-generation entrepreneur or an established family business, an inventive spirit is at the core of building and preserving a long-term legacy. Some of the world’s most iconic and enduring companies began simply by combining ingenuity and determination to improve the quality of everyday life of their customers.

Podcast: Standing Up for Others - A Life of Beating the Odds

Join us for this conversation about how the right attitude and desire to serve will benefit you and your business.

Survey Reveals Generational Differences

In partnership with MacKenzie Corporation, First Bank’s Center for Family-Owned Businesses surveyed 552 respondents for its “2023 Family Business Survey”.

A Lifetime of Protecting Country, Family, and Faith

On this episode of From the Hart podcast, Ed Hart, Director of First Bank’s Center for Family-Owned Businesses, has a conversation with Martha Daniel, Founder and CEO of Orange County, California based Information Management Resources Inc. (IMRI). IMRI is family-owned and operated, and provides cyber security and IT support to the military, several government organizations, and businesses of all sizes all over the country. Ms. Daniel shares her passion for family business, and discusses who has inspired her throughout her life.