Family Business Resource Center

2024 Family Business Survey Findings: Expansion Into New Markets is a Highly-Ranked Strategy

Recent surveys have unveiled a resounding consensus among family business leaders: the imperative to explore untapped territories ranks among the top priorities for strategic evolution.

If Rates Go Down, Is Cash Still King?

It’s no secret that we’ve been in an upward trajectory for both inflationary prices and interest rates. A complex question asked by most consumers is, “Is the Fed done raising rates?” And, if they’re done raising rates and decide to lower them, “How will this rate reduction impact my investments and overall wealth building strategy?”

Father-Son Duo Tackles Efficiency Remotely

With the increase in optimization software, many businesses are turning to the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help automate processes and maximize efficiencies. One such father-son business, Inspira.AI, helps owners and leaders monitor how much time at work employees really spend on work as well as help coach employees who may struggle to stay focused.

Webinar: What Makes Them So Special, Anyway? Family Business Legacies Withstanding the Test of Time

Dennis T. Jaffe, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors, acclaimed workshop leader, speaker, and author, shares common traits, actions, and philosophies of family enterprises around the world that are 100 years old or older.

Webinar: Turn Economic Uncertainty into Opportunity & Gain a Competitive Advantage

In this session, Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE, Business Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Author, and Business Strategist at MotionFirst, shared specific strategies used by world-class organizations to thrive in these uncertain economic times.

Structures and Strategies: Family Business Succession Planning

Charles Claver, Senior Vice President and Private Wealth Advisor, discusses structures and strategies to implement for passing your business to the next generation successfully.