Family Business Resource Center

Is It Time to Sell the Family Business?

The decision to sell a business can be difficult, especially when it’s a family business. How does a family business leader determine when it’s time to sell the family business and how can he or she best ensure a successful sale?

Are Cold Feet Really the Issue? Why There Is a Better Way to Measure Owner Readiness

This article describes the “cold feet” phenomenon of business owners when preparing to sell or transition their business. The author shares a valuable tool, established by Orange Kiwi, that measures critical variables that are indicators of success.

Successor Training: Take it Slow

Your vision and legacy are too important to be left up to chance. The article, “Successor Training: Take it Slow,” by Chris Yount, and originally published on Family Business Magazine, discusses the process of slowly transitioning successors into the family business.

The Truth About Family Business Succession

In this article, “The Truth About Family Business Succession,” written by Dr. Allie Taylor and originally published by Orange Kiwi, LLC, you will discover 10 things owners wish they knew about succession years before they started. Dr. Taylor discusses some of the challenges in succession planning and how to address them

Business Succession Planning Buy-Sell Agreements

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding contract in which the owners of a business set forth the terms and conditions of a future sale or buy back of a departing owner's share of the business. Specifically, buy-sells control when owners can sell their interests, who can buy an owner's interest, and at what price.

Sympathy and Succession: Lessons from History

Author Ken McCracken explores economist and philosopher Adam Smith's thinking on self-interest and sympathy and how to apply it to succession planning.