Family Business Resource Center

Is It Time to Sell the Family Business?

The decision to sell a business can be difficult, especially when it’s a family business. How does a family business leader determine when it’s time to sell the family business and how can he or she best ensure a successful sale?

Business Succession Planning Buy-Sell Agreements

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding contract in which the owners of a business set forth the terms and conditions of a future sale or buy back of a departing owner's share of the business. Specifically, buy-sells control when owners can sell their interests, who can buy an owner's interest, and at what price.

Is Your Company Poised to be a Buyer or Seller?

Our guest speaker John Hull, Managing Director of The Fortune Group and guest speaker, discussed financial and non-financial factors to consider in an acquisition, such as deal structure aspects, ideal timing of an acquisition, and if your business is poised to be a buyer or seller.

Don't Want to End Up in Business with a Total Stranger? Have the Right Documents in Place.

Ensuring you’re working with the right business partner is a key to having a successful business and economic prosperity.