Financial Education Center

Handling Market Volatility

Conventional wisdom says that what goes up must come down. But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when your money is at stake. Though there's no foolproof way to handle the ups and downs of the stock market, the following coping strategies may help.

Asset Allocation and the Benefits of Diversification

When discussing investing, there are two basic concepts that will get discussed a great deal and are significant to long term success – diversification and asset allocation. Your asset allocation should balance your financial goals with your emotional needs. If the way your money is invested, makes you uncomfortable, you may need to rethink your investing goals.

Year-End Tax Planning: An Explanation of Tax-Loss Harvesting

As we approach the year-end, seasoned advisors are gearing up for the annual ritual of tax-loss harvesting, a strategic maneuver aimed at optimizing client portfolios. As we delve into this year's year-end maneuvers, our aim is to approach the process with wisdom, finesse, and the understanding that our clients’ portfolios and overall tax circumstances differ.

Active Versus Passive Portfolio Management: Which Investment Method Is Right for You?

A common debate among investment forums is regarding the merits of active versus passive portfolio management. Whatever method an investor chooses, they will need to weigh their financial goals, the time horizon, and risk tolerance into their strategic long-term asset allocation approach.

Understand Investment Return Taxation to Make Well-Informed Financial Decisions

This article is designed to broadly discuss investment return taxation, while covering a range of topics, including the types of income, basis, capital gains and losses, holding periods, taxable income considerations, and the strategic use of capital losses.

Another Debt Ceiling Game, Just A Different Year

President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy met to discuss raising the statutory limit on U.S. government debt, generally called the debt ceiling. Although both leaders called the discussion "productive," no resolution was reached but their respective negotiating teams continued the discussions.