Financial Education Center

Five Financial Tips for Planning a Wedding

Planning your dream wedding can bring a rush of excitement, but it's important that you have an understanding of how much you can afford. Here are some tips to consider during the planning process.

Tax-Advantaged Strategies for Education Savings

In saving for a child's college education, parents may want to consider certain tax-advantaged strategies. These strategies all share the common trait of reducing the amount of taxes owed.

What Tax-Advantaged Alternatives Do I Have?

Investors who've accumulated an adequate cash reserve are to be commended. But as strange as it sounds, it is possible to save too much. Although this may not sound like much of a problem, it can be if you save too much of what you should be investing.

The Benefits of Tax-Advantaged Savings Vehicles

Taxes can take a big bite out of your total investment returns, so it's helpful to look for tax-advantaged strategies when building a portfolio.

How the Great Resignation is Reshaping the Labor Force

It’s no secret the ongoing pandemic crisis has changed nearly every aspect of daily living in some manner. From the way we shop for goods and services to the way in which we work at our jobs, the pandemic has been a catalyst for abrupt change.

5 Ways to Keep Your Finances on Track This Year

The beginning of the year is an ideal time to set goals for the upcoming year, but it’s important that you have plans in place to help you stay on track and measure your progress. Here are some ways First Bank can help you keep track of and accomplish your financial resolutions this year.