Financial Education Center

For Long-Term Success in a Family Business, Think Like a Farmer

For those of us who live and work in cities, the world around us is the here and now. Everything is new.

Managing Conflict in a Family-Owned Business

First Bank held a webinar on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 about managing conflict in a family-owned business.

Everyone Should Have a Fortress of Solitude

Whether you are a leader of a company, a parent, or both, here are some suggestions on how to preserve the legacy you are helping to create for the next generation.

Keeping Cash in Business with Proper Liquidity Management

Brett Tijanich, Commercial Team Leader and Senior Vice President at First Bank, discusses the importance of liquidity management for family-owned and privately-held businesses.

Family-Owned Businesses and Strong Cultures Can Go Hand-in-Hand

Help create a strong culture for your organization by reviewing takeaways from our own experience and other family-owned businesses.

Don't Want to End Up in Business with a Total Stranger? Have the Right Documents in Place.

Ensuring you’re working with the right business partner is a key to having a successful business and economic prosperity.