Financial Education Center

Update Your Contact Information Today – It’s the Right Call!

We get it. You’re busy with household and job responsibilities, social events, and school activities. With so much happening, you may have overlooked sending us your most recent contact information, including a valid email, mailing address, and updated phone number(s).

Teaching Your Teen about Money

Your teen is becoming more independent, but still needs plenty of advice from you. With more money to spend and more opportunities to spend it, your teen can easily get into financial trouble. So before money burns a hole in your child's pocket, teach him or her a few financial lessons.

Mid-Year Is a Good Time for a Financial Checkup

The first half of 2021 is behind us. As we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, a mid-year financial checkup may be more important than ever. Here are some ways to make sure that your financial situation is continuing on the right path.

College on a Budget

Young people often get their first real taste of adulthood at college. This is their first chance to plan their own schedule, choose their own academic pursuits, do their own laundry, and manage their own finances.

Are You Fired Up About Achieving Early Retirement?

“Financial Independence, Retire Early” planning, or the FIRE movement, for short. More than 30 years old, FIRE is once again becoming a popular financial topic.

The Benefits of Using a Debit Card When Traveling

As states reopen and travel becomes possible again, many Americans are eager to hit the open road or the friendly skies.