Financial Education Center

College on a Budget

Young people often get their first real taste of adulthood at college. This is their first chance to plan their own schedule, choose their own academic pursuits, do their own laundry, and manage their own finances.

How Biases Can Impact Investors’ Financial Well-Being and Significantly Alter Accumulated Wealth, Part IV

Over the last three parts, we’ve discussed how biases impact our decision-making, particularly when it comes to our investments.

Manage Your Money, Manage Your Stress

How College Students and Graduates Can Budget and Manage Money with First Bank.

How Biases Can Impact Investors’ Financial Well-Being and Significantly Alter Accumulated Wealth, Part III

Over the last two parts, we’ve discussed how biases impact our decision-making, particularly when it comes to our investments. Continuing to understand our biases can help us better understand why we make our financial, wealth, and investment decisions.

What Drives Investment Decisions, Our Hearts or Our Minds? Part II

Undoubtedly, 2020 will go down in history as a record setting year, but also as one of, if not the most, hated and devastating year in modern time.

How COVID-19 Has Changed Consumer Behavior and the Future of Retail

U.S. consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of all economic activity, so it's good news that many businesses and consumers have adapted quickly to the new normal created by the pandemic.