Financial Education Center

Year-End Tax Planning: An Explanation of Tax-Loss Harvesting

As we approach the year-end, seasoned advisors are gearing up for the annual ritual of tax-loss harvesting, a strategic maneuver aimed at optimizing client portfolios. As we delve into this year's year-end maneuvers, our aim is to approach the process with wisdom, finesse, and the understanding that our clients’ portfolios and overall tax circumstances differ.

Active Versus Passive Portfolio Management: Which Investment Method Is Right for You?

A common debate among investment forums is regarding the merits of active versus passive portfolio management. Whatever method an investor chooses, they will need to weigh their financial goals, the time horizon, and risk tolerance into their strategic long-term asset allocation approach.

Is the Yield Curve Signaling a Recession?

Long-term bonds generally provide higher yields than short-term bonds, because investors demand higher returns to compensate for the risk of lending money over a longer period.

Donor-Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund offers an easy way for a donor to make significant charitable gifts over a long period of time. A donor-advised fund is similar to a private foundation but requires less money, time, legal assistance, and administration to establish and maintain. A donor-advised fund also enjoys greater tax advantages than a private foundation.

Charitable Giving

Charitable giving can play an important role in many estate plans. Philanthropy cannot only give you great personal satisfaction, it can also give you a current income tax deduction, let you avoid capital gains tax, and reduce the amount of taxes your estate may owe when you die.

Creative Solutions to Lower the Cost of College

Saving money, borrowing money, and financial aid are the most obvious ways to pay for college. But none of these methods attempt to lower the actual cost of college. There are several creative ways to lower the cost of college, which, in turn, will lower your own costs.