Financial Education Center

Active Versus Passive Portfolio Management: Which Investment Method Is Right for You?

A common debate among investment forums is regarding the merits of active versus passive portfolio management. Whatever method an investor chooses, they will need to weigh their financial goals, the time horizon, and risk tolerance into their strategic long-term asset allocation approach.

No Matter How You Cookie Cutter It, The Holidays Are Going to Cost More Dough

If Santa season has snuck up on you and you’re not sure how to fund the holiday fun, you’re not alone. First Bank would like to provide a few helpful tips to help you navigate the expense of the holiday merriment.

Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Your Holiday Fun—Or Funds

December brings with it so many additional items to our already busy schedules. From shopping and baking to organizing holiday gatherings and wrapping, there’s a lot on our plates.

Do You Have a Financial Plan? Here are Six Things to Consider Including in Yours

October is Financial Planning Month! Do you have a financial plan? According to multiple sources, on average, only 27.88% of Americans have a financial plan. Without a financial plan, it can be hard to have a clear understanding of your finances.

5 Ways to Help Your Student Adapt to College Life

Starting college can be a huge lifestyle change. Whether your child is attending college in state or out of state, living on campus can present challenges, like sharing a living space with other people or using a communal bathroom. While living in a new place with new people can seem overwhelming, there are things that your student can do to help them adapt, like setting routines and planning for any challenges they might face.

Balancing the Costs of Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities sound like the perfect addition to your student’s curriculum. Before they sign up or you sign them up, however, be sure to weigh the pros and the cons of participating in the extracurricular activity or activities.