Financial Education Center

First Bank Community Comes First - Tim Randazzo

“When you have someone tell you that you’ve made a difference in someone else’s life, that’s a feeling that just can’t be replaced” says Tim Randazzo, Creative Director at First Bank. Listen to Tim as he shares his experience with starting his own non-profit and how First Bank encourages and supports his efforts.

Webinar: Don’t Give Cybercriminals the Keys to Your Business

The First Bank Financial Education Center held a webinar on February 8th, 2022 titled “Don’t Give Cybercriminals the Keys to Your Business”.

Webinar: The Unexpected You Didn’t Expect: Planning For and Dealing With the Unexpected

Business owners anticipate changes in the future with things like strategic planning, life insurance policies, estate and trust documents, and more. However, what happens when all of this is circumvented by life changing events with family members and key employees?

Tribute to Those Not Forgotten - Joann Folluo

Joann Folluo was featured during First Bank's Tribute to Those Not Forgotten at the St. Louis Blues game on March 8, 2022. She served in the US Army during the Korean War.

Tribute to Those Who Served - William Nelson

William Nelson was featured during First Bank's Tribute to Those Who Served at the St. Louis Blues game on January 13, 2022. He served in the U.S. Army and spent 355 days in Vietnam.

Webinar: Growing Up In The Family Business

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on December 14, 2021, discussing the challenges that next generation business leaders face.