Financial Education Center

College Tuition Costs Increase Nearly 8% Each Year: Find Out Ways to Avoid Student Loans

When you think of college, the expense of pursuing higher education and student loans might be two things that come to mind. Here are a few ways you can fund a college education without completely relying on student loans.

Teaching Your Teen about Money

Your teen is becoming more independent, but still needs plenty of advice from you. With more money to spend and more opportunities to spend it, your teen can easily get into financial trouble. So before money burns a hole in your child's pocket, teach him or her a few financial lessons.

College on a Budget

Young people often get their first real taste of adulthood at college. This is their first chance to plan their own schedule, choose their own academic pursuits, do their own laundry, and manage their own finances.

Women and Wealth: Six Gender Differences When it Comes to Investing

Women view money and wealth differently from men. Generally, women regard money as a means to improve their lives and their family’s lives, to ensure security, and not seek to accumulate money for its own sake. Women investors tend to focus more on long-term stability.

Need to Move a Personal Line of Credit or Consolidate High-Interest Debts?

As a homeowner, you may realize that your home’s rising value and your credible payment history can give you access to affordable equity.

Healthcare in Retirement

Health care in retirement is available from many sources. Government programs (such as Medicaid and Medicare) offer numerous health care benefits.