Family Business Resource Center

7 Inventive Family Businesses

Whether for a first-generation entrepreneur or an established family business, an inventive spirit is at the core of building and preserving a long-term legacy. Some of the world’s most iconic and enduring companies began simply by combining ingenuity and determination to improve the quality of everyday life of their customers.

Is Your Family Business on LinkedIn®? It Should Be!

Have you heard the saying, “If you’re not on social media, you should be!” before? Social media platforms are a great way to connect with others. LinkedIn® is a great tool for businesses and is used by millions of professionals and companies.

Ten Women Family Business Owners Who Succeeded Their Fathers

Only 10% of the world’s top family businesses are led by women, but the numbers are rising.

Business Succession Planning Buy-Sell Agreements

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding contract in which the owners of a business set forth the terms and conditions of a future sale or buy back of a departing owner's share of the business. Specifically, buy-sells control when owners can sell their interests, who can buy an owner's interest, and at what price.

Building Client Relationships: Important to the Success of Every Family Business

Although producing a high-quality product or service that consumers want or need is essential to a successful, sustainable family business model, there’s yet another component that shouldn’t be overlooked: building authentic client relationships.

Sympathy and Succession: Lessons from History

Author Ken McCracken explores economist and philosopher Adam Smith's thinking on self-interest and sympathy and how to apply it to succession planning.