Family Business Resource Center

Structures and Strategies: Family Business Succession Planning

Charles Claver, Senior Vice President and Private Wealth Advisor, discusses structures and strategies to implement for passing your business to the next generation successfully.

Webinar: The Unexpected You Didn’t Expect: Planning For and Dealing With the Unexpected

Business owners anticipate changes in the future with things like strategic planning, life insurance policies, estate and trust documents, and more. However, what happens when all of this is circumvented by life changing events with family members and key employees?

Webinar: Strategic Planning as a Foundation for Family Business Succession

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on August 10th, 2021 covering strategic planning as a foundation for family business succession.

Keeping Cash in Business with Proper Liquidity Management

Brett Tijanich, Commercial Team Leader and Senior Vice President at First Bank, discusses the importance of liquidity management for family-owned and privately-held businesses.