Financial Education Center

The Inheritance Experience

This article discusses the different experiences of family business wealth inheritors. For some, the experience gives them purpose. For others, wealth is a double-edge sword. Find out how to guide the next generation to find a meaningful path of their own.

Webinar: Finding the Right Level of Conflict in Your Family Business

Presented by the First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses and Josh Baron of Harvard Business School and BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors, the webinar, “Finding the Right Level of Conflict in Your Family Business” discusses how family businesses can manage conflict to find a “Goldilocks Zone.”

Best Practices for Successful Leadership Transitions in Family Businesses

Finding, grooming, and retaining top talent to grow a family-owned business is critical to its long-term success. First Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Shelley Seifert is retiring at the end of the year and Mikel Williamson, an experienced banking executive and First Bank president, will be promoted to CEO. This important transition is bringing executive leadership transitions front and center for First Bank.

5 Ways to Help Your Student Adapt to College Life

Starting college can be a huge lifestyle change. Whether your child is attending college in state or out of state, living on campus can present challenges, like sharing a living space with other people or using a communal bathroom. While living in a new place with new people can seem overwhelming, there are things that your student can do to help them adapt, like setting routines and planning for any challenges they might face.

Family Business Survey: Our Why and Key Findings

Family businesses are a major economic driving force in America; unfortunately, sparse data, research, and resources for them are available. In addition to the lack of accurate representation of the family business sector, misinformation is often used.