Financial Education Center

Webinar: Doing Good at Work: How Acts of Social Purpose Drive Success and Wellbeing

Most jobs lack a compelling purpose. This deficiency makes us sluggish, disengaged, careless, disloyal, unhappy, and unhealthy. Fortunately, there’s a way to free ourselves from the modern trap of meaningless labor without switching careers or quitting jobs.

Durable Power of Attorney: Protecting Your Property Against Incapacity

A durable power of attorney (DPOA) is a tool that allows someone to carry on your financial affairs and protect your property in a period of incapacity, almost always with no need to seek formal judicial approval. A DPOA is a legal document that gives another person the legal authority to act for you. The person to whom authority is given is referred to as an attorney-in-fact, but need not be an attorney.

Adopt Advance Medical Directives for Health Care

At some point in your life, you may become incompetent; that is, lacking the mental capacity to make or communicate responsible health-care decisions for yourself. Without directions to the contrary, medical professionals are generally compelled to make every effort to save and sustain your life.

Developing a Spending Plan

Your spending plan is your active strategy for getting where you want to go. Think of your spending plan as a road map that helps you reach your goals, as well as give you a sense of direction. Your spending plan not only puts you in charge of how your money is being spent on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, but it also gives you a sense of control.

First Bank First Impressions - Haight Law Group

For Catherine Haight, her team of trusted advisors now includes her bank.

Is Your Family Business on LinkedIn®? It Should Be!

Have you heard the saying, “If you’re not on social media, you should be!” before? Social media platforms are a great way to connect with others. LinkedIn® is a great tool for businesses and is used by millions of professionals and companies.