Financial Education Center

Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Lately?

It's generally a good idea to review your employer-sponsored retirement savings plan at least once each year and when major life changes occur. If you haven't given your plan a thorough review within the last 12 months, now may be a good time to do so.

Retirement Legislation Awaits Further Action

To discuss your retirement planning options, schedule an appointment with a First Bank Wealth Management advisor.

Is the Yield Curve Signaling a Recession?

Long-term bonds generally provide higher yields than short-term bonds, because investors demand higher returns to compensate for the risk of lending money over a longer period.

Webinar: Harness the Strength of the Family — Hitch it to a Culture That Drives Results

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on January 17th about culture with Dr. Allie Taylor and Donna Brighton. Allie and Donna led a conversation to put together the culture conversations from our October and November webinars, and to increase understanding of how to harness the strength of the family system to build an organizational culture that accelerates business results.

Tribute to Those Who Served - William Buchholz

United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William Buchholz flew in 199 drop missions in the Vietnam War.  He survived a plane crash into the ice in Newfoundland where he and his unit were rescued two weeks later.  When he came home from the Vietnam War, he was told he shouldn’t wear his uniform, but he did.  “I’m proud of my uniform,” he said.  And First Bank was definitely proud to feature this highly decorated veteran in the tribute video at the St. Louis Blues game on Jan. 10, 2023.

Your Annual Financial Checkup For 2023: Six Things to Consider

A new year brings a sense of new beginnings and a fresh start. Have you checked in with your finances lately? With 2022 in the past, it’s an ideal time to see how the year affected your finances.