Financial Education Center

When Breaking up With Your Bank Makes Sense

After 100 years in business, we’re very familiar with all things banking. This means we’ve listened and learned from our clients regarding what they want and need in their financial services provider.

Your Introduction to College Banking 101

Whether you’re a returning college student or a first-year freshman, there are many items on your to-do list to complete before the next semester starts.

Spending More on a Cup of Coffee than Our Future

Personal insight from Carla Jackson, Portfolio Manager.

5 Ways Gig Workers Can Start Saving Today

The gig economy is growing fast, but saving can be difficult when your income is uncertain. Having a good financial plan is the first step towards a better future.

Webinar: Ladies Who Lead: A Discussion on Leading with Confidence & Overcoming Challenges

The Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on September 14, 2021. Shelley Seifert, First Bank’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and peer female family business leaders held a discussion on the obstacles they’ve overcome to achieve success.

Key Employee Life and Disability Insurance

Suppose they were injured and out of work for a while, or suppose they died? Would your business survive or suffer a financial loss?