Financial Education Center

Women: What You Should Know When Starting a Business

According to one recent study, there were nearly 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States as of 2019 - representing 42% of all businesses - employing approximately 9.4 million people and generating $1.9 trillion in sales.

What Drives Investment Decisions, Our Hearts or Our Minds? Part II

Undoubtedly, 2020 will go down in history as a record setting year, but also as one of, if not the most, hated and devastating year in modern time.

Webinar: The Right Way and Wrong Way to Resolve Conflict

The Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on Tuesday, March 9th covering the right way and the wrong way to resolve conflict in a family business.

Market Month: February 2021

February began on a high note as investors drew encouragement from strong fourth-quarter earnings reports and encouraging employment data. However, news was not all positive. The COVID-related death toll in the United States reached 500,000. Nevertheless, two vaccines were rolled out last month, with a third one on tap for release in March.

Understanding the Net Investment Income Tax

If your income hits a certain level, you may face an additional wrinkle in calculating your taxes: the net investment income tax (also referred to as the unearned income Medicare contribution tax).

Pandemic Emergence: A Business Line of Credit May Be the Shot in the Arm Your Organization Needs

As states and communities navigate an emergence from the aftermath of a year-long battle with the pandemic, businesses of all sizes are grappling with how to adjust, reconfigure, and plan for a post-pandemic economic environment.