Financial Education Center

First Bank Community Comes First - Kris Allen

"First Bank has always been there and always encouraged me to do more," said Kris Allen, Area Manager in Southern CA, as he discusses his involvement in the community to bring about positive changes.

Protect Your Identity

The local news has been reporting all summer on mail being stolen from USPS locations (outside drop off locations) and thieves stealing mail out of business and consumer mailboxes. USPS recommends dropping your mail inside the USPS location not the outside boxes.

What You Should Know When Starting a Business

Many businesses start small, begun by people seeking the exciting and potentially rewarding experience of "being their own boss" while doing something they enjoy. If you're thinking about starting your own business, you'll need a sound plan, a little creativity, personal dedication, and probably some form of financial investment.

Women and Money: Taking Control of Your Finances

As a woman, you have financial needs that are unique to your situation in life. Perhaps you would like to buy your first home. Maybe you need to start saving for your child's college education. Or you might be concerned about planning for retirement. Whatever your circumstances may be, it's important to have a clear understanding of your overall financial position.

Retirement Savings in a Volatile Market

If you worry about your retirement investments during market downturns, you're not alone. Unfortunately, emotions are often the enemy of sound investing. Here are some points to help you stay clear-headed during periods of market volatility.

Helping Teens Gain Financial Readiness

Thanks to our 24/7 digital world, kids are now marketed to more than any other generation in history.