Financial Education Center

Ensuring a Seamless Transition in Leadership

To help businesses ensure a seamless transition of leadership, here are some key considerations we’ve learned from our own experience.

Key Takeaways from the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022

As Americans, we’re simply not saving enough for retirement. As a result of this lack of appropriate saving and planning, policymakers deemed it necessary to step in and take action. As a result, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act of 2022 became law and, as a result, has implemented changes to the retirement system. How does this impact you?

Webinar: Turn Economic Uncertainty into Opportunity & Gain a Competitive Advantage

In this session, Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE, Business Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Author, and Business Strategist at MotionFirst, shared specific strategies used by world-class organizations to thrive in these uncertain economic times.

Leveraging the Why, What, and How of Storytelling in Family Business

On this episode of From the Hart podcast, Ed Hart (Director of First Bank’s Center for Family-Owned Businesses) speaks to author and speaker Jay Golden about storytelling and Jay's work as the founder of Retellable. Jay coaches and trains founders, innovators, and social entrepreneurs at companies such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Rainforest Action Network.

A Look at Savings: How Does Yours Stack Up?

Inflation and the prices of goods and services are still higher than average, coupled with the lingering effects of the pandemic, Americans are turning to what’s left in their savings account to help cover expenses. How does your savings stack up to other Americans?

Tribute to Those Who Served - Richard Cremer

What an incredible honor to celebrate Vietnam veteran Richard Cremer at the St. Louis Blues game! He was First Bank's featured veteran in The Tribute to Those Who Served on Feb. 23, 2023. Click the image to watch the video.