Financial Education Center

Keep Yourself Safe with These Cybersecurity Tips

Cybersecurity scams have been a concern for as long as the internet has been around. Scammers are finding new ways to target individuals and businesses, making it an ideal time to ensure you’re taking the proper cybersecurity precautions.

How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Threats

Risk management is a key component in any successful business plan. In today's world — where data breaches are common occurrences — it's especially important for business owners to understand the digital risks they face. Are you doing all you can to mitigate the risk of a cyberattack?

Four Considerations for Aspiring Women Business Leaders

October is National Women’s Small Business Month. As we recognize the significant contributions female business leaders make, it’s equally important to provide some insights for the next generation of aspiring leaders to help foster their growth.

The Budget and the Debt Ceiling: Federal Spending in the Crosshairs

On September 30, 2021, Congress averted a potential federal government shutdown by passing a continuing resolution to provide funding for government operations through December 3, 2021.1 This was only a temporary measure, and lawmakers will continue to wrestle with the budget for fiscal year 2022, as well as the debt ceiling, which requires action by mid-October.

When Breaking up With Your Bank Makes Sense

After 100 years in business, we’re very familiar with all things banking. This means we’ve listened and learned from our clients regarding what they want and need in their financial services provider.

Your Introduction to College Banking 101

Whether you’re a returning college student or a first-year freshman, there are many items on your to-do list to complete before the next semester starts.