Financial Education Center

First Bank First Impressions - Haight Law Group

For Catherine Haight, her team of trusted advisors now includes her bank.

Is Your Family Business on LinkedIn®? It Should Be!

Have you heard the saying, “If you’re not on social media, you should be!” before? Social media platforms are a great way to connect with others. LinkedIn® is a great tool for businesses and is used by millions of professionals and companies.

Webinar: Keeping the Family Legacy Alive

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses held a webinar on family legacy and family business, with Michael Dierberg, Chairman of the Board, FB Corporation (First Bank) and fourth generation owner, and Pierre duPont of the duPont family. This intriguing and inspiring discussion between two American, values-driven family business leaders focused on running a multi-generational family business, investment strategies, philanthropic endeavors, and honoring and protecting the family and family business legacy.

Another Debt Ceiling Game, Just A Different Year

President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy met to discuss raising the statutory limit on U.S. government debt, generally called the debt ceiling. Although both leaders called the discussion "productive," no resolution was reached but their respective negotiating teams continued the discussions.

Saving for College? Consider a 529 Education Savings Plan

It’s no secret that college tuition is expensive and has become more expensive over the years. In fact, a recent study shows that within the last ten years, tuition at private, out-of-state, and in-state universities have all increased significantly.

Annuities as an IRA Investment Option

There are several reasons, aside from tax deferral, that may make a deferred annuity a sound funding choice for your IRA. Find out what they are.